English Learners Programs

The district offers several programs for students who are English learners. In all of the programs, English learners receive concentrated instruction in the use of the English language that is appropriate for their grade and English language proficiency level. Such instruction must be provided by a teacher with advanced training in special strategies to help students increase their English proficiency and learn academic subjects taught in English.

Any student who lives in a home where a language other than English is spoken must take the ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessments for California) ) within 30 days of his/her first date of enrollment in school to determine whether the student is fluent English proficient or an English Learner. The ELPAC is then administered each year to "English learners" until they are reclassified as "fluent English proficient." ELPAC results establish one of four proficiency levels for each student: minimally developed, , somewhat developed, moderately developed, and well developed. Once a student earns a 4 (or “well developed”) on the ELPAC, they may qualify to be reclassified as fluent in English.  The ELPAC enables the district to monitor student progress in learning English and helps teachers diagnose students instructional needs.

Structured English Immersion (SEI)

SEI is an enriched English program that is designed for English learners at the minimally or somewhat developed levels of English proficiency. In most cases, SEI program students are clustered and purposefully placed according to English language proficiency level in grade-level classrooms that include native and fluent speakers of English. In these SEI "clusters," English learners typically make up about a third of the total students in the class. In certain cases, an entire class may be composed of English learners with similar proficiency levels, as long as they qualify for the SEI program. SEI teachers provide daily English language development instruction and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE).

Mainstream English Cluster (MEC)

The MEC program is for English learners at the higher range of English proficiency (moderately and well developed). Many are simply continuing from a SEI program. English learner students are again clustered together in grade-level classrooms that include native and fluent English speakers. The daily English language development instruction targets high-level English academic skills and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) is provided in all core subject areas.

Please e-mail our English Language Coordinator, Jen Peterson, at [email protected] with any questions you may have about our English Language program at Roosevelt. We are always looking for parents of our English learners to join our ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee) to provide input on how to support our English learners and improve their outcomes. Please also e-mail Jen Peterson if you are willing to join us!

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