Parents and community members are included and involved in a variety of academic, governance, decision-making, and extracurricular activities.
- Friends of Roosevelt Foundation: The Friends of Roosevelt Foundation, or RooFriends, is committed to raising the money and providing the people power to help our students
succeed in school and in their lives. The Foundation invites all parents to attend the bi-monthly Community Meeting. Visit for more details.
Subscribe to the RooFriends e-Newsletter to receive important updates.
- School Site Council (SSC): The School Site Council (SSC) is a decision-making group that provides oversight on matters dealing with federally- and state-funded compensatory education programs, including Title I, Title I Parent Involvement, School-based Coordinated Program, School and Library Improvement Block Grant, and Economic Impact Aid/Limited English Proficient programs. The School Site Council is required at all schools in the San Diego Unified School District. SSC is made up of 50% school staff and 50% parent and community members.
- Site Governance Team (SGT): The SGTcomprises teachers, non-classroom staff, parents, and students. The role of the SGT is to design and implement effective strategies for improving student achievement at Roosevelt. The SGT considers general budget and staffing issues, as well as uniform and discipline policies, schedule changes, and other operational concerns.
- Power School Parent Portal:Power School Parent Portal is a web-based application that allows parents to see read-only information about their students, including schedules, attendance, and grades. Parents must apply and be approved to use the Power School Parent Portal. Please check the Power School Portal page for more information.
- English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC): ELAC consists of parents of English learners, community members, and school staff who advise the principal regarding English learner programs and services.